Monday, September 21, 2015


I made it, at last, to Iona - the pinnacle of my sabbatical -  and I am very glad to be here.
In the two days (less than 48 hours!) since I arrived to this beautiful, windy, mystical isle...
I heard a powerful sermon by John Bell lamenting and challenging the UK to let in more Syrian refugees, especially as this country contributed to the bombing of their homes and villages (text was Matthew 2 - Mary, Joseph, and Jesus taking refuge in Egypt when Herod threatened infanticide);
I have worshipped multiple times at the stately and historic Iona Abbey (which offers morning and evening prayer each day of the week);
I participated in a village drumming circle;
I ate a couple bowls of porridge and sipped many more cups of tea;
I met people from all over the world including my four roommates who are from Wales, England, Sweden, and Holland;
I have prayed - giving thanks to God for where I am and for my community who sent me here.

Deep peace of the running waves to you, dear ones!
I hope to share much more of my experience in days to come - as my soul catches up to my body.

Until then, I offer a couple glimpses of Iona...

View outside the Abbey during a brief respite from rain.

Pictured with roommates outside the Macloud Centre: Jan from Goucester, England; Anya from Holland; Charlotte from Sweden; and Jacqui from Wales.

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