I appreciated the opportunity to worship at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Amherst, MA, today where my friend Steve Wilco is the pastor. It was clear how much thought and care went into planning worship and that it is a congregation that loves to sing with people accustomed to learning new material quickly. A classic piano duet - on two beautiful grand pianos - provided the music for prelude, offering, and postlude. Each Sunday during August - for the five "bread of life" Gospel readings - the congregation uses a different kind of bread from around the world for communion. Today was Scottish oatmeal bread - fortuitous for me. Music in the liturgy was also selected from around the world, including a Swahili alleluia and beautiful Chinese benediction. Attendees were invited to write down a hymn request and put it in a basket for a "hymn lotto" to be selected and used as the sending hymn; it was a surprisingly easy and fun way to draw people in before the service even begins.
The assisting minister - a musician himself and leader of the worship ministry team - invited everyone to a worship forum during coffee hour. I would have gone if I did not have other plans, as I wanted to express my appreciation. Instead, I shared my impression with Steve on the way out and asked him to pass that on.
It was a replenishing experience to stand with hands extended at the table of Jesus, receiving the bread broken for me and wine poured for me! And yet, as with all true experiences of worship on this side of heaven and as was preached eloquently by Steve, it left me hungering for more! More of Jesus in my life, more of God's kingdom upending the world, more peace, more resources to be shared among us so no one hungers again.
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